Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ok so now I will start posting session summary's and results. So far, I have had three sessions at philly parx. There are some good things, and some bad things, but overall at this moment I am frustrated from the session I just completed.

One of the big reasons I am deciding to play poker even tho I currently have a full time job is to just have another form of income. I am also investing the money I earn from my job as well. I just want to keep the money rolling in, and to keep investing. I just want to keep pumping up my capital! AHHH YEAHHH!!!!

Well the first session I had at parx was last friday night, it lasted for 2 hours and I ended up down 19 dollars. I would actually say that I played well, esp for a night in which I was getting my feet wet with live poker again. The one mistake I had was when the table captain, and an obviously experienced player switched seats to my left. I should have switched to another seat or found another table ASAP. Giving him position on me all session wasn't a good thing to do. He did respect my raises because of how I was playing, which helped me to outplay him that night, but I probably could have had a profit if I moved and not a -19 dollar loss.

Next session was last Sunday. I played for 3 hours and won 284. A very good session, I was getting decent cards, and I never really had a huge pot, I mostly grinded up to that number. I was table captain and felt totally in my comfort zone. No one there challenged me in the least bit.

Now to this shit show of a session I had tonight. I got back from work today and quickly got a shower and dressed to meet a girl thing of mine for dinner. We went to Supper, it's on South Street in center city Philadelphia. (I would have to say that I am definitely a food fanatic. My goal is to hit up every top 50 restaurant in philadelphia. I already have knocked out 10) Supper is a sort of experimental restaurant, similar to a new restaurant called Adsum (Which is also very good) in which they have very creative dishes. For example, at supper, one of the appetizers is berch beer wings. They are DELICIOUS! They also have for an entre, duck and waffles lol. And btw, this isn't some sort of hole in the wall, this is all high end dining.

Anyways, I came back to her place and we chilled out for a little bit, I headed back to my place at 9 and started off to the casino at 9:30. I had half a headache and was a little tired to be honest. (Not the best condition to have mental focus and patience) I get to the casino, and play horribly. I had no patience at all. And it wasn't a shitty table either, I just wasn't focused like I should have been, and I had this idea that my goal was to win 200 tonight, and if I didnt achieve it, it was a failure. (Warning: Don't make money goals for sessions in poker. Not a good idea.) Because of that I missed opportunities and made mistakes.

Mistake number 1. There was an aggressive guy two seats to my left at the table, although it was waaay too early on in this hand for me to tell. I raised for the second hand in a row at the table up to 11, and I had AK offsuit. The aggressive guy reraised me from the button to 22. Min reraises usually mean a big hand, like the nuts kind of hands, so I was weary. I felt like he was just doing this because of my second raise but was unsure. I really should have repopped it at him and gotten it all in. The chances of him having AA or KK are slimmer since I have one of each. I have decent outs agaisnt KK if he has it, I beat AQ, and I flip with all other pairs. Well I decide to flat, flop comes 9 high and I check fold it. I felt that I played this hand poorly preflop.

The biggest missed opportunity, which I don't know if I can really blame myself for is the following hand. I see two limpers, I'm in middle pos. I look down to find KK. I raise it up to 13 this time. I get two callers behind me, the BB calls, and the two limpers call. (WTF!!!!MKDCMCK) Flop come QJ7 offsuit. A decent flop, but I'm always weary with so many players in the hand. Most players check to me, I bet 30 (I know the bet sizing is weak, but this seems like a hug bet to most fish, so it will clear all of the bad hands easily). I get a call from one player behind me, and the BB check raises me to 90. WHAAAATTTT!!!!! I think for a little bit and then fold. My reasoning is that he made a very strong play there. I am not very scared about the flat caller behind me, even though he could possibly be a factor, but a check raise like that means a big hand like top two pair or a set. I never really thought through that hand enough tho. I could have had very good reasoning to reraise all in, which I will explain in a bit. What ended up happening inthe hand is that the flat caller behind me called all in, they both flip over their cards, and the flat caller had Q10, the BB had AQ. I would have won the hand!.... FAAAAACCCKKKKK!!!!!! LOL :( Here are the pro/cons for my play.

Pro: There were five other players in the hand, very likely this guy could have hit something like QJ or a set of 7's. Made a very strong play in a check raise, that doesn't normally happen unless someone had a monster. This guy also didn't seem to make any sort of move to this point (still kind of early tho) unless he had some sort of something. AKA, he was not bluffing.

Con: He is obviously a donk, so he can make donk plays at anytime, for example.... Overvaluing top pair with AQ. To a donk, that shit looks like gold. But it really isn't that good of a hand to check raise with into 2 other guys who look serious after their being so many players in the hand. But here is where my read should have come in. He would not have had QQ or JJ. He would most likely have reraised preflop with those. Probably didn't have sort of bullshit like J7 or Q7, cuz he would have most likely folded those preflop with my raise. (unless maybe they were SUUUUIITED!) The hands he could have had that beat me were 77, and QJ. I'm not drawing too bad towards QJ, but I am in big trouble against 77. In other words, his range is very narrow, and I even have a decent number of outs against his range. If he had 77, I would have also expected him to flat call and not check raise, even with the other player in the hand. I honestly just gave this guy too much credit. The proper play would have been to shove all in there and double up.

The other mistake I made tonight was getting involved in an unnecessary pot with the aggressive guy. I felt like he was bluffing me with a big reraise preflop and a same size raise on the flop. I flatted both in postion, and then he shoved the turn and I folded. I should have either folded the flop, or shoved over top of him. I had AJ, from the button and raised to 12, he reraised from the BB to 40, flop was Q98 offsuit, he lead with 40, I called, and then folded a shove all in on a 7 turn. It just felt like he was really trying to push me off the hand to be honest. I should have folded pre, or on the flop, or followed through with my convictions and shoved over him on the flop, esp since I had outs. But whatever. I played for 2 hours and lost 233.

So here are the results so far:
2 hours -19$
3 hours +284$
2 hours -233$

So for 7 hours I made 32 dollars. It's always good to have a profit, but it should be more, I am disappointed in todays session .I will just have to rebound from it, and learn not to play when feeling SHITTY!!!!

Anyways, night


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